It may still be a bit cold outside, but springtime will come sooner than you think. Take the time to plan your sprinkler system and Sprinkler Repair Albuquerque, NM so that you can get it back up and running quickly.
Getting your irrigation system in working order for the season will involve some preventative maintenance and inspections in order for it to function properly for months to come.
In the spring, be sure to continue with the following checks once your system’s been on for a while. Professional sprinkler technicians can perform a more thorough inspection of your sprinkler system if they come out to your property.
Sprinkler heads
Inspect each sprinkler head for damage, or if it won’t pop out of the dirt or grass, this is probably a sign the sprinkler head is broken. Water pouring straight up in the air is another tell-tale sign there is a problem. Problematic heads might also have erratic spray or no water at all. Make sure the heads are adjusted, cleaned, and repaired, so they will serve you reliably all season.
Water lines
Typically, broken water lines indicate a problem with the sprinkler system. Some common indications include puddles around the sprinkler lines or water bubbling under the landscaping. When you notice this issue on your property, it should be dealt with professionally.
During the spring, you should check the programming of your controller and make any necessary adjustments. It may be necessary to change the batteries. It’s also a good time to set a new watering schedule for your property so all the plants and grass can be watered accordingly.
In addition to becoming plugged over time, some nozzles could even break or sustain damage. Check every nozzle to make sure it’s in good shape and ask a professional how to fix any problems you find.
When you begin your start-of-season sprinkler maintenance in Albuquerque, NM, you should give the valves some special attention, as they are an essential part of the sprinkler system. Make sure the valves are able to function properly before turning on the water. Check for any leaks or breaks in the valves as well. Pests can get in and mess up the wiring, or leaves may cover up the valves and make them ineffective. If you have a lot of water near the valve boxes, check for signs of a break or leak in the pipe and valves around the boxes.
Our sprinkler repair team from Landscaping Albuquerque can answer your questions about your sprinkler system in Albuquerque this spring.